

Gasification is most simply thought of as choked combustion or incomplete combustion. It is burning solid fuels like wood or coal without enough air to complete combustion, so the output gas still has combustion potential. The unburned gas is then piped away to burn elsewhere as needed.

Gas produced by this method goes by a variety of names: wood gas, syngas, producer gas, town gas, generator gas, and others. It’s sometimes also called biogas, though biogas more typically refers to gas produced via microbes in anaerobic digestion. In the context of biomass gasification using air-aspirated gasifiers, the term producer gas is the term we will be using, since the other terms have implications that do not necessarily apply to the gas produced by our gasifiers.ALL Power Labs offers biomass gasifiers that convert your woody biomass waste into electricity, heat, and biochar.All our products are covered by a 100% money back guarantee.

The Power Pallet is a complete biomass power generation solution that converts woody biomass into electricity.The Power Pallet is our most recent version of the Power Pallet biomass genset, with many enhancements and improvements from the prior Power Pallet PP20. It comes standard with grid-tie electronics for taking advantage of applications such as microgrids, feed-in tariffs, and net energy metering, as well as heat exchangers for heating water for combined heat and power applications. The PP30 is also much quieter; the engine is now enclosed, and the cooling fans are low-noise electric fans that only turn on as the engine coolant needs cooling, such as when it is not being used to heat water. Power output has increased nearly 50% over the PP20, and the session runtime has been extended as well.

Why it's different

The Power Pallet is distinguished among biomass power generation systems by its compact size and affordable price. Its integration of CHP capabilities with power generation and woody biomass disposal make it a perfect candidate for applications which find value in heat, electricity, and wood or nutshell disposal.

  • Medium-scale biomass power pla100 times proven and tested.
  • Deal for high energy requirements.
  • Patented wood gasification technology.
  • Innovative reform building.
  • High fuel flexibility.
  • Intelligent control technology with modern touch display.
  • Adjustable overview.
  • Forestry and agricultural.
  • Woodworking and processing companies.
  • Heating plants.
  • Hotels with wellness areas.
  • Local heating networks.
  • Industrial plants.

Who benefits most from the biomass power plant

  • If you have a high-energy requirement throughout the whole year, our biomass power plants are suited especially for you.